Preschool Registration


Current Students- for students that are currently attending will be taking place on Monday February 3rd and Tuesday February 4th through the use of a link sent out on our Brightwheel App. 

Any students registering that are new to the preschool would need to create a Brightwheel account.  You will be prompted to do this once you click on the link I provide for your day of registration.  

  Registration for Church Members, Siblings, and Alumni will take place on Wednesday February 5th through the use of a link that will be active starting at 7AM. (The Link will be Posted Here)

Registration will be open for all other community members on Thursday February 6th through the use of a link that will be active starting at 7AM.                     (The Link will be Posted Here)

*Just a reminder that the links posted for registration will not be active for your group until the time and the date listed above.


A registration fee of $175 and first month’s tuition is to be paid at time parents turn in the registration form for the child’s admission to school. The fee and first month’s tuition is NON- REFUNDABLE for any reason including potty training issues. The only exception made is in the event the family relocates outside of the county. Please keep this in mind before registering your child for the preschool. If your child is not potty trained by start of school year you can hold you spot in the class by paying monthly tuition until child is potty trained; OR you can pull the child from the school and lose your registration fee and first month’s tuition. If you pull your child and they are later potty trained and there is a space available the preschool you can take that space; The preschool will apply your registration fee and first month’s tuition to the remainder of the school year. Please contact the preschool director if you have any questions regarding this policy.


 9:00 or 12:30  Arrival
Planning/Sharing Circle/Skills

9:20 or 12:50 Music Exploration

9:40 or 1:10  Play/Art Time/One on One with teachers

10:40 or 2:10 Clean-up

10:50 or 2:20 Snack Time

11:10 or 2:40 Physical Development/Large Motor activities

11:30 or 3:00  Circle Time/Story Time/Skill Development Reviewed

11:50 or 3:20 Dismissal

This is a typical day for a four year old.  The three year olds will follow the same routine, however, more age appropriate.  The Transition class will add in cooking, science, and journaling to their activities.



Church of the Covenant Preschool offers three different class formats. Three year olds, four year olds, and a transition class.

Three Year Old Classes
by September 1)
AM session Tuesday and Thursdays 9:30-12:00
PM session Tuesday and Thursday 12:30-3:00
Cost:  $165.00 per month

Four and Five Year Classes
AM session Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00-12:00
PM session Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12:30-3:30
Cost:  $200.00 per month

Transition Class
Five Years Old- (must have at least one year of preschool prior) AM and PM session only Monday through Thursday 9:00-12:00 : 12:30-3:30
Cost:  $215.00 per month

A  registration fee of  $175.00 is also required along with the first month tuition upon registration.


We do not follow any particular school when it comes to school closings, so please refer to our Brightwheel app for messages about school closings when there is inclement weather. Because of our limited holidays and the church calendar, we do not make up snow days.


The Church of the Covenant Preschool has monthly Christian themes that are incorporated into the curriculum.  The curriculum is based on Pennsylvania State guidelines and the age-appropriate skills for kindergarten readiness. Please stop by to visit or call 724-222-0190 ext 121 to make an appointment.  We hope you will consider the Church of the Covenant Preschool for your child’s first educational experience!
